Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Getting Ready to Hang on…

By Mark Piper

I just returned from a three-day comprehensive, exhausting and all-around draining grad school interview. At this point in my college career it seems I’m a little behind in putting my life together and moving on past SXU in the next few months.

February can be a downer month for many. This is especially true by anyone from students to staff who experiences Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. This disorder is causes feelings of depression this time of year brought by the still, cold, gloomy winter days. Luckily I don’t think I am suffering from SAD, as I am too busy to notice whether the sun is shining or not!

As I try to figure my life out in this SAD time, there are a great many things that can seem sad. From graduating and leaving many friends to entering the worst job market in roughly 80 years, to just not knowing what you’re going to do or where you’re going to do it.

As I drove to and from Ohio for my Sunday to Tuesday interview, I passed through the great state of Indiana. I’m proud to report that on the car radio, Indiana has both kinds of music; Country and Western. I realized what a sad time it could be while listening to some of the songs on my way back. When your dog dies, gun is stolen, no-good-cheatin’-wife leaves you for the son of a gun down the road, it’s hard to find solace in your Ford V-8 rust bucket pickup truck. This song actually reminded me that, yes, we’re in that time of the year where everything isn’t just sad, it’s SAD. But I digress.

For many seniors, I think it is hard to be affected by the weather because we really are trying to move a mile a minute and put our lives in order. Whether it is grad school apps, fees, interviews, resume making, cover letter writing, reference letter finding or anything in between it is just a whirlwind time. It is kind of fun though. I’m a guy who LOVES structure, but I’m trying to see what some call the “beauty” of not knowing, or having your life up in the air. Seems more chaotic and thus ugly to me, but I’m attempting to be more open minded.

So to any SXU student, I hope you’re not letting the sun’s hiatus sour your disposition into a SAD one. And to my friends who are near graduation, I hope you can try to see, like me, the beauty in this hodg-podge mess!

Mark Piper is a senior political science major with a minor in pastoral ministry. He is from Stoughton, WI and is president of the Student Government Association. Consideration for the student bloggers is provided by Saint Xavier University.

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