Thursday, November 18, 2010

And So Ends Another Week

By Genevieve Buthod

Hello, everyone. It’s been quite a long week so far! If you hadn’t heard about it, or seen some of the fliers going around, there are quite a few concerts this weekend on campus. Friday at 7:30 is the fall jazz band concert in McGuire Hall. Trust me, we’ve put a ton of work into it, and I think it’s going to turn out great! We’ll be playing some Basie, Art Herzog, and Gordon Goodwin, among other things. For those unfamiliar with jazz and classic swing, the concert will be packed with fast songs that you’ll want to dance to (or you would, if this were the 1940’s….). The concert is free for students and is definitely worth checking out, even if you don’t know much about old music. Jazz is one of those rare types of music that is fun to listen to, even if you don’t know how to play it. I play the sax, which is a pretty demanding section this year, so I honestly don’t know if I’ll be able to breathe later this weekend.

I hope I will though, because Saturday night is the choir concert! We had our first performance at President Wiseman’s inauguration, and this time we’ll be singing a few of those songs, as well as classic Christmas songs. The rehearsals have been going beautifully; we’ll be doing very old, hauntingly melodic latin songs. The words are pretty clear, but the feeling is the most important part of the entire concert. The intensity that fills the room with each successive movement of each piece is incredible to experience, and I can’t wait to share that with everyone that hasn’t heard it on Saturday night. I really hope to see some of you there—I promise there will be no cheesy, Walgreens pop-Christmas music involved.

I’m excited for our last Transitions class today. Being a freshman, I have to take a class to help me “transition into college life”—everyone thought it would be really boring, but it’s actually turned out to be one of our most entertaining and engaging classes. Our teacher is a counselor here at SXU, as well, and beyond that, she’s a Reiki master. You may think it’s silly, but in my book, that is certainly a good sign for a qualified counselor. Our last class is going to be a small party, and in addition to bringing pizza, she’s going to lead us in a traditional reiki meditation session. Atypical? Yes. Awesome? Definitely. I can’t wait to clear my mind and regain some calm after such a hectic week of extreme rehearsals and practicing all of that music!

Just another reminder that I’m always open for questions about life and work here at Saint Xavier. E-mail me anytime, or comment on a post, if you wan to!

See you next week,

Genevieve Buthod is a freshman from St. Louis, MO. She is computer science major and a women's studies minor. Buthod is a vegan and part of the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) at Saint Xavier.Consideration for the student bloggers is provided by Saint Xavier University.


  1. Geneveive, I love, love, LOVE your blog. You are such a great writer, and if you don't mind me saying-- quite beautiful. I am so impressed that you have joined GSA and that you are making lots of friends in Chicago. I will see you at you at Xmas back in Saint Louis!


  2. Hi Genevieve, that was interesting. I liked your comment about the teacher who was a Reiki master. Have you had experience with Reiki. Also wondered what got you interested in the Gay-Straight Alliance. Sounds like a good organization. I look forward to seeing more of your writing.

  3. The music was beautiful! I'm so glad you posted this on your blog. It was the first i heard of it.


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