Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Remembering Roommates

By Luci Farrell

There are pros and cons to living by yourself. Pros range from the perfect silence to not worrying about being woken up at odd hours. The giant con is usually loneliness. Sometimes you have cases like mine where you accidentally throw your back out. You find yourself on the floor staring at the ceiling and unable to move. Of course, you cannot help but laugh because this is naturally your life. Well, it’s my life. The sad part is things like this do happen. Times like these I miss having roommates.

I have to say this, I have been blessed by the housing gods with my roommates. My freshman year I wasn’t as terrified as most people. I had met my roommate at an Honors conference and again at orientation. We hit it off and decided it would be best to live together. Melissa was super outgoing and a nursing major. Two things that I loved about her. Do you know how awesome it is living with a nursing major? When something goes wrong they love using you as their guinea pig. Melissa actually rescued me from myself my freshman year. I had fallen ill as such a speed I didn’t even know it. I remember waking up during the night, walking down the hall to the bathroom, and passing out. A neighbor woke me up in a panic because she thought I was dead. Zombie makeup looks tan compared to my complexion when I’m sick. I managed to get back into my room and crawled on my bed. Melissa jumped to the rescue. I explained I had a tendency of going hypoglycemic and passing out. Melissa went to our fridge, grabbed a yogurt, and forced me to eat. Mind you she tried spoon feeding me until I smacked her hand away. Regardless, after the yogurt I was starting to feel better and was back to my usual self in no time. Melissa was watching me like a hawk the next day until she was sure I was alive. I have to say, I wouldn’t trade freshman living conditions for anything.

Sophomore year I lived with three of my closest friends and we had acquired a perfect room. It was at the end of the hall, right next to the laundry room, and had the perfect view of the quad. It was great living with three other people. We had movie nights and indulged in the strangest girl nights known to man. Imagine four twenty year olds, clutching mugs of hot chocolate, pajamas on, snow outside, and singing (LOUDLY) along with White Christmas. We decorated for every holiday and after a while streamers were mandatory in the living room. More than anything I miss our game nights. Our other friends would come over and we would have nights of never ending games. Well, maybe not the games of Cranium. Those ended in temper tantrums and screaming. Honestly, there is nothing greater than watching a screaming match over a game of charades. Once again, I wouldn’t trade that time for anything.

Junior year was similar to sophomore year, with one plus. Some of our male friends lived across the hall. Doors would stay open and conversations or screaming matches would ensue. Also there was nothing better than weekend breakfasts made between the two rooms. The one thing I miss is coming home to find a friend sleeping on my couch. Honestly, 80% of the time when I came back from class there was someone sleeping on the couch.

I look around my room now and I’m pleased with my setup, but I would not trade a single roommate for a room by myself. I admit, I miss coming home to someone to aggravate or just hang out with. Still, living alone makes me appreciate the memories even more.

As for throwing out my back, while I may not have Melissa, help is just a phone call away. Well, as long as my phone is within reach.

Keep Calm and Love Your Roommate

Luci Farrell is a senior from New Haven, CT. She is an Organizational Communication major with a minor in Anthropology. Luci is a Resident Peer Minister on campus and chair of the Honors Program Advisory Council at Saint Xavier University.

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