Wednesday, April 25, 2012


By Luci Farrell

Graduation is looming over me. I say this figuratively and literally. As my graduation cap and gown are currently hanging on my door above me, even I cannot deny that the time is nearly here. I picked up my stole I get to wear for completing the honors program at SXU and made fan girl squeals the entire way back to my room. I would be more embarrassed if I wasn’t so tired.

Yet, now it’s all becoming real to me. Cap, gown, stoles, all stare at me and my housing contract will be up soon. I do not have classes for next semester and I am packing my belongings for the last time. I would probably feel overwhelmed if there weren’t so many other things to do. Well, that and being overwhelmed takes more energy than I could probably muster. Ah, the little daily blessings.

I suppose my previous blog was my sappy goodbye. I just couldn’t see myself ending on that note, no matter how eloquent it sounds in my head. I always tried to keep a humorous blog so naturally I have to end the same way. After all, what good is an ending without a smile?

I had the opportunity to submit a bid/nomination/draft/what have you, to speak at commencement. Unfortunately I did not take that opportunity.  The main reason was that I did not have the time to properly put together what I would say. My capstone project was due the same day and two years of research takes serious editing and care. Still, I cannot help but wonder what my speech would look like. What words would I want to leave my class with? Would I want to make everyone laugh, think, or cry? I have made heartfelt speeches and have witnessed people cry at my words. I won’t lie, it’s a nifty feeling knowing you can move people that much. Would I have that catchy last line? When Steve Jobs gave his commencement address at Stanford University, he ended his speech with, “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” How would I have been able to leave my skewed wisdom behind with a few words? How could I ever have an ending like that?

What wisdom do I have? I have my stories, my experiences, and my odd knowledge. All would make for questionable speeches, probably not the best way to go. Yet, there are some things I have learned that everyone should know.

Always say yes to the road trip.

Don’t turn down a concert.

Take a class that challenges you, maybe even your beliefs.

Dance in the rain.

Mattresses in the living room make movie nights better.

Color books are essential to sanity in college.

Dance parties are mandatory for every five pages finished in a term paper.

Nutella and a banana make a perfectly acceptable breakfast.

Water bottles are your friends.

Febreze is a godsend.

Sometimes rearranging furniture is what you need to do to clear your head.

It is okay to cry on the kitchen floor.

It is okay to ask for help.

You’re not alone.

Sometimes a hug is all you need.

So that’s what I have to impart. That is my wisdom. Yet, there is one bit of wisdom I have left behind every week, though in variation. Keep Calm. Regardless of the problems in your life, keep calm. Relationship troubles, school troubles, or the zombie apocalypse, my advice stays the same.

Dear Bloggers,

Keep Calm and Carry On.

Luci Farrell is a senior from New Haven, CT. She is an Organizational Communication major with a minor in Anthropology. Luci is a Resident Peer Minister on campus and chair of the Honors Program Advisory Council at Saint Xavier University.

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